Carol Pearce Lead Trainer Profile

Carol Pearce is one of our highly qualified Lead Trainers operating from Somerset and has been with Nuco Training since 2019.

When did you first learn first aid and why?

I served as a Police Officer for 32 years in various roles, retiring as a Sector commander and during that time I realised that there are key skills that really do save lives, obviously Physical First Aid is invaluable but also First Aid for Mental Health. Our lives are now so frenetic that we don’t often have time to pause and reflect on the impact of life on our own Mental and Physical Health.

What made you choose to become a first aid instructor/trainer?

Throughout my Policing career I was a trainer and mentor, obtaining a degree in Education and then my Post Graduate Diploma in Education. I also qualified in Neurolinguistic Programming to Master Practitioner level and then as an NLP Trainer, I went on to train to deliver Mindfulness and Compassion and numerous other qualifications. They all lead to the same thing – our wellbeing. Retiring from the Police service I wanted to continue to support individuals and businesses with Management training as well as Mental Health Training and Safeguarding, so I set up my own training business. I became an instructor with NUCO in 2019 and due to my experience was asked to join the team as a lead trainer. The support we receive from NUCO is amazing and I am now able to pass on my lifetime of skills and experiences to new instructors who want to make a difference. We really do save lives!

What would you say to someone considering becoming a first aider?

We all have numerous life skills and experiences, which we can learn to share with others. So, if you have the passion and drive and want to help others succeed, then everything is possible. There will be some challenges and new things to learn but you will be supported and guided throughout your journey. We are always learning, and every day is a school day, let’s share our knowledge and skills to benefit all members of our society.


Carol’s training skills