Nuco Training in Saudi Arabia

Nuco Training in Saudi Arabia
23 Sep 2014

When Nuco Training was offered the chance to travel to Saudi Arabia to train 12 new Nuco First Aid Instructors for BAE Systems we jumped at the chance.

Our Training Manager, Darren Coombs, packed his suitcase and set off on a 19 hour journey. During his time training out there he documented his experiences…

Arrived safely at Manchester Airport, all checked in and patiently waiting for my gate. Really excited about the challenges that lay ahead. New organisation (World Wide presence), new learner’s and a whole new environment to explore…

After a long journey yesterday, all 19 hours of it….. I’m here, safe and sound. Here’s a summary of the journey. Late leaving Manchester by 20 mins, which mean’t i had to move quickly through Amsterdam to catch my connecting flight to Damman. Took off from Amsterdam for a scheduled stop in Kuwait, which I wasn’t aware of… Non the less, a scheduled stop that was only supposed to take 45 mins, turned into 1:15 mins as we had an unwanted passenger that the airline had to remove… Finally landed at KFI Airport at 00:40 4th October. I was then met by Graham Nicholson and Mark Maguire-Ware of BAE Systems Saudi Arabia Limited and taken to the compound somewhere about 45mins away from KFI. I was shown to my villa where I will be staying for the duration and have just finished a guided tour around the complex, thanks to Graham Nicholson. Once last thing… The temp here is 45 degrees and also when i landed last night it was 33 degrees. Shorts and shades weather.

Ok… So a good day’s work. Started with an early to rise, went to the sports complex and smashed a good sweat session in the ‘house of pain’. Checked my e-mails, light lunch, ironed my shirts as they had got creased in the suit case and then went to the visitors centre to set up the classroom/learning environment for the remaining 4 days. A quick call to the office, as I needed some admin support. As always they were more than happy to help! Had tea in the ‘Bowl’ with Graham Nicholson this evening followed by a catch up with my family on Skype and now about ready to turn in… I am ready to face the challenges ahead tomorrow, a new group with new opinion’s. That’s what this job is all about.

Day 1 – What a superb day! … BAE Systems Saudi Arabia Lmited really know how to look after their guests. The day started with an early to rise, followed by some b/fast and then a nice early morning walk (06:50 hrs) to the compound where I was teaching for the day. Arrived glowing, as you can imagine and proceeded to set up the remaining props/resources prior to the arrival of the group. Shortly after, Saudi Catering arrived to provide the refreshments for the day… When I say the day, I mean there was a chap that remained there all day to wait on us. Food was outstanding, and equally the venue was more than appropriate. Day 1 – The teaching/scheduled day started at 08:00hrs as planned yesterday and started with the intro, followed by the Introductory paper. Constructive and points rose from the paper as we treated it as a form of recap. All welcomed the delivery, effective teaching points were raised. Good group work, discussions and feedback on the ‘Instructional Techniques’, as they say… Everyday is a school day! (Interesting fact – Keith Williams has just paid his 50th speeding fine in the Kingdom. All you do here, is pay the fine and that’s it, done and dusted.) Had lunch and began to listen to the micro teaching sessions. As always some very good trainers, good idea’s and certainly plenty of energy. A mixed group coming from different social backgrounds which has made the day both informative and creative, most of all overflowing with fresh idea’s. Everyone has left for the day, with their evening work to do postive and ready for another day. Tomorrow is another day, with new challenges.

Day 2 – Another massive thanks to BAE Systems Limited and Saudi Catering Limited for all their hospitality today, amazing! Oh not forgetting Saleh, Turky, Abdul, Wafi, Mark, Graham, Andy, Steve, Keith, Simon, Kevin and Paul for all their hard work and effort. It’s worth mentioning that Wafi did the whole day with ‘Man Flu’, now as First Aiders we certainly know how dabilitating that can be. So, a productive morning covering Scheme’s of Work and Session Plans, followed by the assessment process, valued discussions were had and some positive issues were raised. The session’s have been set for tomorrow and so the group have gone their ways to prepare for yet another vibrant day at Al Khobar, KSA. Interesting fact all the way from Saudi Arabia – If you gently place a sock over a cat’s head, it will walk backwards. Some more interesting facts to follow tomorrow.

Day 3 – Must apologise for not updating this status on Monday evening, that said though I have a very good excuse! When the training finished Graham Nicholson and Mark Maguire took me into Al Khobar to sample the local delights. To that end, I witnessed the highway code in Saudi Arabia, the busy streets, the shopping Mals and the abundance of watch shops! I must say, in absolute heaven. Anyone who knows me will know that I like a watch… I mustn’t forget meeting Abdullah for a cheeky burger along with Graham and Mark also Monday evening. I must confess though, Abdullah did have a cheeky ceasers salad instead of a heart attack in a bun!! Back to the update on the training – Day 3 went exceptionally well with all the trainers delivering their summative sessions and giving constructive feedback to their peers. There was also an opportunity for Turky Fagihi to show off his good side, and also plenty of chances for the trainers to shine. Which of course they did indeed. Lunch was served by Saudi Catering Company as they had been doing so during the course, and as always the standard of service was outstanding (hungry now, thinking about it). A good discussion was had relative to nuco plus and how the system will work for the trainers before, during and after their courses. The site was welcomed as always. The day ended as well as you would expect. All the trainers left on a positive note, energised and ready for the final day.

Day 4 – After sampling the delights of down-town Al Khobar and suffering the morning temps of 33 (celsius) at 06:50 am, I arrived somewhat damp at the training venue. Once everyone had arrived we proceeded to complete the final case study for the PTLLS element of the course, followed closely by recapping on the assessment protocols. This went extremely well, and highlighted issues that could be presented during such a process. No sooner had we completed the above we then proceeded to begin with the task of piecing together the PTLLS portfolio in preparation for internal verification. With a brief pause for lunch we proceeded to complete the build in time for a debrief, wash-up and the trainers to evaluate the course content, structure, venue, resources and of course the tutor. I’m guessing you know the outcome! Yeah that’s it, good constructive feedback. Ummmmmm a group photo! – Please see above. Once finished I was dragged into Al Khobar again to do a spot of panic shopping prior to going home that evening. There wasn’t any kicking and screaming at all!! Again the saviour Mark Maguire-Ware delivered me safely to KFI Airport, where I joined my flight with KLM to Amsterdam, waited for my connecting flight to Manchester. 14 hours later I have now arrived home safe and sound. In summary – What a fantastic course, made to feel extremely welcome by Graham, Mark, Wafi, Abdullah, Turky, Saleh, Paul, Kevin, Simon, Keith, Steve and not forgetting Andy. A big thank you to Wafi for the traditional head garment that he obtained for me. It will be a reminder of my time delivering a great course, with great trainers in a great country. Also, a big thank you to Saleh for translating Nuco into Arabic.”

nuco in arabic


Nuco Training

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